
Monday, 22 June 2015

Fast facts about Ecuador

- Location: South America
- Population: 13,032,000
- Capital: Quito; 1,451,000
- Language: Spanish, Quechua
- Ecuador is named after equator, because of its location on equator.


What is a child of the street/street child?
Children of the streets have a common denominator in the fact that they reside in the streets, at a railroad station or places of similar character. The children roam the streets in order to get money for food. Every day is a struggle against poverty and hunger. Some of the children have a family, who resides in poor neighborhoods, but there are also children, who have no adults to look after them. This could, for example, be children, who have run away from home because of domestic violence, sexual abuse or children, who have lost their parents in war. These children seldom have another choice but to live in the streets. Many of these children earns a living by polishing shoes, selling candy or washing windshields on cars. The children who are most unfortunate end up doing crime, joining violent gangs, or end up in prostitution. Lots of children also develop an abuse of drugs.   

Why does children become children of the streets?
There are numerous reasons why children end up in the streets:
  •       Armed conflicts and war, which causes children to scatter away from their parents, or in some cases, the parents end up dead
  •       The family is poor, and the children get forced out on the street in order to work, beg or reside
  •       Natural disasters, where kids disappear
  •       Violence or sexual abuse in the home, which causes the children to escape their homes
  •       The family dissolves. The reason could, for example be divorce.
  •       The children are starving and end up in the streets in search of food
  •       Children become orphans, because the parents die of HIV/AIDS
  •       The children gets put on the street by their parents.
  •       The family loses their home, and the entire family lives in the street.

How are children of the street treated?
The children struggle to survive. They are being forced to work, beg and even steal to get food every day. This makes them unpopular, and some store clerks chase them away, if they bother their customers. The children are called names, which indicate the population see them as a nuisance. I Rwanda for instance, the children are called “Saligoman”, which translates into brats. In Rio de Janeiro, they are called “Pivetes”, which translates into children, who do petty crimes. In Honduras, they are referred to as “resistoleros”, which means drug addicts. Children, who reside in the streets, have no one to look after them, and this makes them into easy targets for adults. These adults are looking to hurt the children, kidnap them or exploit them sexually. 

Film at EMU – The street of death
In the film about “The street of death”, we encounter various children from Managua in Nicaragua. They survive using different methods via odd jobs, surrounded by drug addicts, prostitutes and youths, who do glue. We meet Valeria, who makes money for her great grandmothers’ medicine. We meet pregnant Wendy, who seeks to find the father of her child. We also met Juan, who wants to become a street clown.

Tina, Martin, Katrine, Camille & Benjamin

Hey all. This is our final contribution to the blog. In this video, we illuminate the contrast between a typical family from South America and a Danish vice versa. We will try to distinguish the differences between values, culture, hierarchy and gender roles.

We thank you for your collaboration, and hope that you have enjoyed our movies. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

Greetings. Thank you for your last response regarding our video. We have continued on working with our theme, and made some adjustments, in order for it to be targeted to you. Therefore, we want to focus on the new relations that you have to develop with the children, and how you wish to do so. In our movie, we try to portray some of the core terms from our educational system, such as inclusion and acknoglement. Throughout the movie, we have decided to portray various dilemmas. Afterwards you will have to answer the questions in the movie, and respond to this accordingly. Every time you see a pause-icon on the screen, you will have to pause the movie, and then respond to the shown dilemmas.

Your next feedback, should be send to us before the 18. June.

Camilla, Katrine, Martin, Tina and Benjamin

Monday, 8 June 2015

We have decided to put emphasis on social relations in our first video. We have chosen to illuminate the problem of being left out of the community. We have all experienced loneliness, and we have all been left on the outside of social relations. We believe, because of the things we have experienced in our past, that the impact of lacking social relations is an important message to get across. With this video, we intend to show the importance of relations between people, in order to evolve personally and in community with others.

Our hopes about the movie
You have now seen our video, which we hope was useful to you. We are looking forward to receiving your contribution, which has to be available to us on the 11th of June at the latest.

Our purpose of the movie is:
-          That you will reflect upon the various dilemmas in the movie
-          That you will make a video, where you respond to our questions in the movie

-          That you ask us some questions, in order for us to reflect and respond

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Welcome to the Blog of Relations!

We want to take this opportunity to present our selves to the readers of this blog. We are five relatively young students from VIA University College in Randers, Denmark. The group consists of Tina, Camilla, Katrine, Benjamin and Martin.

Our focus point of this blog will be relations between children, who have no parents/guardians, and are living in some sort of facility/center for street children. We want to emphasize the importancy of relations between the children, and strive to give them a sense of belonging to the community, that they reside in.

We are looking forward to the task at hand, and hope for a thriving coorporation with our partners overseas.